Welcome back, Gaels, and a Happy 2024 to each one of you!

As we dive into a new year and a fresh semester at Queen's, I want to share a personal experience that might resonate with many of you: my challenging journey of learning to accept academic failure.

The fall of 2023 marked my first semester at Queen's University. While I poured my best efforts into every course, the results were not what I anticipated or wanted. The shock of receiving lower than expected grades in PSYC 100 sent me on a rollercoaster of emotions. Disappointment was mixed with frustration, anger, sadness, and surprise. It was a tough pill to swallow, especially in a subject I aspired to major in.

One vivid memory stands out – staring at my final exam grades in December, just before the holidays. The reality hit hard, and I struggled to come to terms with not excelling in a course pivotal to my academic goals. Seeking support became essential, and it was my mother who provided some much-needed perspective. "It's not a good grade, but it's your first semester. Be patient with yourself," she reassured me.

Reflecting on the experience, I realized I was navigating multiple transitions simultaneously – from a three-year gap to university life. It was okay not to have everything under control. Adapting my learning strategies became imperative. I acknowledged that I hadn't tapped into valuable resources like study groups, mentor appointments, or seeking academic support. Why? Because I mistakenly believed I had it all figured out while juggling work, studies, volunteering, and a social life.

Accepting failure and asking for help became a pivotal moment for growth. This year, I've implemented changes. For example, I’ve started using Notion to manage my time efficiently, scheduling appointments with a Student Advisor and a Professional Writing Consultant, committing to extended hours at Queen's to eliminate excuses for not studying, and maintaining a balance between exercise and a healthy diet.

Admitting I needed help was a tough realization. However, it was a necessary step towards refining my academic habits and skills and moving towards my dream career. As we embark on this new semester, I encourage you to embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth. Winter brings not just cold winds but the warmth of evolving, and learning.

Here's to a fantastic Winter, filled with resilience, self-discovery, and the unwavering belief that setbacks are merely stepping stones towards success. Remember, your beautiful journey is shaped by how you navigate the bumps along the way.

Best, Maria

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