Arts & Sciences, Class of 2026

The Human Experience of First Year

The Human Experience of First Year

Hannah's experienced the highest mountains and deepest valleys of first year. Is she going to be okay?

The Limits of Busy

The Limits of Busy

Hannah's finding new ways to sustain herself. What strategies has she tried to combat the busyness of academic life?

The Magic of Music

The Magic of Music

Hannah's thinking about ways she deals with her anxiety disorder - and music seems to help. She takes you inside her playlist!

To new chapters!

To new chapters!

After spending the summer cultivating trees and children, Hannah’s thinking about growth and how she’ll hold onto her identity while also embracing new experiences this year.

Writing Essays the Easy Way!

Writing Essays the Easy Way!

Writing essays as an undergraduate can be challenging. Don't worry - Hannah's got some great tips on how to succeed!