So how did midterms go? Stressed about your results? I get it, but try and feel happy that it’s over! However you feel, know that you are not alone and that these midterms are just one part of our marks. There is always room and time to improve! Above all, cut yourself some slack. Most of us first years haven’t written an exam in over two years. It’s going to take some time before we get back into it again. Let’s learn from our successes and mistakes and stay optimistic!

I think we all deserve some sort of relaxation after a hard of couple weeks’ study. Below are some of my go-to activities that I think every Queen’s student should try before getting back into the grind. Give them a go and you’ll be more rested and, therefore, more productive.

  1. Take a stroll by the lake (a classic)


I love this one! I consider myself a morning person so starting my day early in the morning and walking by the lake is something I think has really made me appreciate how lucky we are that our campus is located by such beautiful scenery. I promise you that going on a walk in nature improves your mood, mental health, and physical fitness. Sometimes I am so busy that I don’t get a chance to do this, but now that midterms are done, it’s time for me to get back into it. So try it too: put in your earphones, listen to some music, and enjoy yourself!

  1. Go to the ARC and get in some exercise!

I’ve been wanting to do this one for so long. At the start of the school year, there was so much going on that I felt I just never had the opportunity, but now that I’m trying to destress, I plan to check out what the ARC has to offer. I’ve heard there are workout classes, intramural sessions, and drop-ins at the gym! I want to grab some friends (strength in numbers!) and see all the facilities at the ARC. Try some new sports, learn a skill, or beat your personal record; but whatever you do, be proud you are working on yourself and taking a break from school.

  1. Explore downtown

If you’re anything like me, you love to go on adventures and explore new places. As a first year, I really have not seen much except for the Queen’s campus so I am really looking forward to walking around downtown and seeing the city of Kingston! I plan to try a few coffee shops, do some shopping, and find some good restaurants. If anyone has any favourites, let me know!

  1. Have a movie night with friends (with good food, of course!)

This one I’ve done a few times with friends this year. It’s one of my favourite weekend activities! We usually go to a common room, set up a movie or whatever show we’ve been loving that week. We eat some good food together and enjoy our night. It’s a great way to take a break from school and spend some quality time with your friends. It acts like that reward at the end of a hard week – knowing your friends will be there at the end of the week is a great way to motivate yourself.

Why not give one of these activities a try and let me know how they go for you. Without giving yourself a break, how can you ever recharge yourself for what’s to come?

Anyways, that’s all for now!

Talk to you soon,


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